Pitch for Wigeon

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Company / App Name: Wigeon

Twitter – @wigeonapp

What does it do?

Wigeon is an app for exchanging and organizing recommendations with those you trust . Connect with your friends and exchange, organize, set reminders for and try out recommendations for movies, shows, music, restaurants, books and more.

Why do we need it?

The recommendation process is messy. We get great recommendations from texts, emails, tweets, posts, conversations, etc. However, there is no reliable way to exchange, keep track of, or conveniently try them. Wigeon does all of this in

Who is it for?

Wigeon is for anyone who prefers to discover new music, movies, books, restaurants, and more from those who know their tastes the best, and, on the flip side, recommends great things so that the experience can become a shared one.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Wigeon is different. Other products are built around following. You follow someone to see the music they like, not what they think you will like. The system is impersonal and fails to address the major pain point of disorganization.

What’s next?

For the remainder of 2016 we are focused on sustainable user acquisition and steady product improvements. We have exciting feature additions road-mapped and are focusing on obtaining a core group of active users to build Wigeon around.