Pitch for StringersHub


Company / App Name: StringersHub

Twitter – @StringersHub

What does it do?

Professional operators and eyewitnesses upload the created videos to the gallery. All materials are immediately moderated and become available to editors, producers and journalists of TV channels and Internet portals.

Why do we need it?

Any users (eyewitnesses of an event or professional stringers) can use this platform to sell the video they created, and the media representatives can use this platform to buy the video content as quickly as possible.

Who is it for?

A platform for operators and eyewitnesses, through which they can share created video material and receive a payment for it.
A platform for representatives of TV channels, where they can find interesting user’s video.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

The eyewitnesses can share their video with the world and receive some payment for this, the media representatives have the opportunity to broadcast the material about the latest news.

What’s next?

In August 2017 the project was presented to the investors and experts in Minsk. Today we have a working prototype of the platform. The launch of the service is planned in autumn 2017.

Link to Company / App Demo video
