Pitch for Scribbling Ribble Studio

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Company / App Name: Scribbling Ribble Studio

Twitter – Scribblingribblestudio

What does it do?

The Aim: Pretty simple, change the platforms on each level to the required colour, gain points, the further you get the more high score you have!, including new game mode Endless.

Why do we need it?

Bounce-E the Ultimate Time Killer Has Bounced its Way Onto Android!!

Bored of waiting around with nothing to do? check out this free game and before you know it time will have flown by.

Who is it for?

Bounce-E is for everyone, anybody can play this game it is that simple no tutorial is even required to play, it is a game you can pick up easy and play whenever your sitting around.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Amazing colourful art!, different from all the one button games actually feels like you are playing a game, but with the addition of Endless mode which is actually a one button mode, mainly for commuters unable to find a seat.

What’s next?

Bounce-E will forever be evolving, plenty of updates and new ideas to come, all based on how well the game does, 100 levels at the moment with 400+ more in mind.

Link to Company / App Demo video