Pitch for ProdActiveLab


Company / App Name: ProdActiveLab


What does it do?

A straight-forward way to start being productive utilizing known tools to help bring ideas to life. From your day to day tasks, write-ups and managing your project with a team, ProdActiveLab features the necessary tools you need.

Why do we need it?

To help you organize your recurring tasks, save your ideas and improve your team’s effort to complete your projects.

Who is it for?

– Designed to be used flexibly by individual people who likes every thing organized.
– For teams / organizations that has a step-by-step processes or procedures
– For people having difficulties in managing their day to day routines

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Unlike other productivity tools, we offer a lightweight, straight-forward way of managing your write-ups, todos, tasks and your team without the unnecessary clutter that could overwhelm you and your collaborators.

What’s next?

– We will be adding features to provide dynamic insights to aid the people achieve their goals.
– Mobile apps for on-the-go people.
– Notifications and scheduling