Pitch for Ladder


Company / App Name: Ladder

Twitter – @LadderDigital

What does it do?

Ladder is a growth marketing agency that uses proprietary technology and datadriven strategy to increase your ROI. Our team has spent millions of dollars and thousands of hours working with over 100 companies in New York and London.

Why do we need it?

Marketers will try what they think worked before or what they heard worked elsewhere. They either get lucky, or they get it wrong.

At Ladder, we make our own luck:

– 35% avg. success rate vs. 10% industry avg.
– $1,000,000’s in perf

Who is it for?

marketers, founders, CEOs, executives, salespeople, growth hackers

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Grow your business without the guesswork

What’s next?

New features coming soon