Pitch for Hubrif

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Company / App Name: Hubrif

Twitter – @hubrif

What does it do?

Hubrif is an online video platform for filmmakers and audiences of African short films. Hubrif’s goal is to enable you easily discover, watch and share stories from Africa on your desktop, laptop and mobile devices.

Why do we need it?

African short films are easily drowned amongst the millions of other irrelevant video contents on other popular video platforms. Hubrif wants to be the home of these contents and afford the world to easily find them.

Who is it for?

Hubrif partners with filmmakers seeking online marketing, with the goal of sharing their films across the digital space as far and as wide as possible. and afford the general film buffs to easily discover, watch and share these films.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Its the first fully dedicated Video on Demand Platform for easily discovering, watching and sharing African short films made mostly by young talented amateur African filmmakers from all over the world.

What’s next?

We are looking to scale up by launching our first marketing campaign. We will also be partnering with African film festivals as their Online Digital Partner helping to distribute selected films to our growing audience.