Pitch for GRAMMA

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Company / App Name: GRAMMA

Twitter – @GrammaMusic

What does it do?

GRAMMA is the only reactive radio app. What makes it reactive is its ability to sense your mood from your expressions, your activity and what you’re into and play the right song for right now.

Why do we need it?

Because you’re sick of creating playlist that become irrelevant in an NY minute. You want something that adapts to you and your lifestyle without having to lift a finger. That’s why we love it any way

Who is it for?

People who don’t have time to mess around with creating playlists, the kind of folk who just want to hear music that’s right for them without jumping through hoops / a million and one menus and sub menus to find something h tolerable.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

It’s Intuitive and often times appears to be reading your mind playing songs you have had stuck in your head all week as well as music you haven’t heard in years but still adore. Never before have mobile sensors and AI been used like this,

What’s next?

We are working to move GRAMMA to the web and adding in a musical assistant that can play your day in sound, including radio stations, podcast, genres and the artists you love.

Link to Company / App Demo video
