Pitch for Balloon, Inc.

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Company / App Name: Balloon, Inc.

Twitter – Open_Balloon

What does it do?

It’s a next-gen social media app. We give users the control over what they want to see on their newsfeed and allows users to easily collaborate with friends on stories/experiences.

Why do we need it?

People want a new social media platform where they can share experiences with their friends without the clutter and noise. People are more connected than ever, but they also want to be selective with who they share their content with.

Who is it for?

Generation Z and Millennials looking for a middle ground between the public social sharing space and the private messaging world.

Influencers looking to expand their followers with a platform that merges that power of IG, Snap and Youtube.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Everything is organized by topics/stories (balloons), not by profiles
1) The ability to follow a topic without following the person (or the ability to unfollow a topic and not entire profile)
2) The ability to truly collaborate on stories

What’s next?

We have a lot of new updates coming – all to improve the ability to make content creation easy for all users. Users are more compelled to create content when they are part of a collaborative balloon on a topic they are interested in.

Link to Company / App Demo video
