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Pitch for Retently Sentiment

Company / App Name: Retently Sentiment
Twitter – @retently

What does it do?

Retently is a service that helps you track and grow your business’ Net Promoter Score and receive actionable customer feedback you can act on.

Why do we need it?

It will help you increase customer loyalty towards your company/product, by solving issues your customers will point on in their feedback.

Who is it for?

Mostly for Software as a Service type companies that sell their products on a subscription.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

It’s way more affordable than most of the NPS tools on the market. It is also simple and intuitive to use; no analytical or tech skills required to set it up.

What’s next?

New features and integrations are being added on a regular basis. It will definitely grow into a more powerful tool for your customer success campaigns.

Link to Company / App Demo video

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