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Pitch for Frich

Company / App Name: Frich

What does it do?

Frich makes money social. Set spending goals together with friends and keep each other accountable through challenges. Challenge each other to take fewer Ubers, have less drinks outside or stop eating out every other night.

Why do we need it?

Current finance apps don’t get that money is inherently social, especially when you’re young. You can’t save money when your friends aren’t keeping you accountable. Similar to a gym buddy – Frich is your finance buddy for personal finances.

Who is it for?

Frich is built for Gen Z, especially undergraduate students and young professionals.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

Personal finance apps don’t get it that money is social and doesn’t have to be so serious. We made managing your finances a fun, social activity where you can get rewarded (who doesn’t love free gifts?) for sticking to your goals.

What’s next?

We’re working on Gen Z friendly debit cards that will give you the perks you actually want – free coffee, drinks and discounts at your favorite restaurants.

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