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Pitch for DailyRit

Company / App Name: DailyRit
Twitter – UndefinedMember

What does it do?

DailyRit allows you to go through the information you need to start your day, such as weather, market information, and current headlines, quickly and efficiently.

Why do we need it?

Currently, one has to go through several apps to get their morning information. A weather app for weather, a finance app for market information, and a news app for the news. DailyRit simplifies this process.

Who is it for?

Anyone who is looking to improve their daily efficiency.

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

This app is simple to use. As Steve Jobs said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. DailyRit has no tabs, no loading screens, you get the information you need in less than a minute.

What’s next?

I would like to add a Celsius feature for the weather. I would also like to improve the finance portion and implement a daily-task-reminder feature. Finally, I must develop this app for Apple devises and improve the user interface.

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