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Beta Pitch for My Baby’s Day

Company / App Name: My Baby’s Day

What does it do?

Track baby’s feedings (formula & breast milk, breastfeeding), diaper changes, naps
Notify overdue feedings
Link multiple caregivers (e.g., daycares, sitters, grandparents)
View & export daily reports detailing all activities that were logged

Why do we need it?

Allows parents to see a full view of their baby’s day in real time. Gone are the days when you need to write down the last feeding to ensure you adhere to the 2 hour schedule or ensure the sitter knows the time of the last feeding.

Who is it for?

Created for parents, caregivers (e.g., daycares, nanny, sitters, grandparents, etc.).

What makes it stand out from the crowd?

My Baby’s Day stands out from the crowd through its “linking” functionality. Because our app allows you to link any caregiver, the parent is able to see multiple real time updates from everyone their baby interacts with throughout the day.

Link to Company / App Demo video

When and how are you opening up your beta to new users?

After submitting the app to the Apple app store and being approved and live, our app was available to new users. At this time, we began our marketing efforts to begin having new users download the app.

When do you plan on launching?

We launched August 2020.

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